Home insurance 
Does your home insurance policy cover deficient piping?

Técnico arreglando tuberías

Home insurance policies are to protect us against claims that occur at our home. This means that we are covered against any damage because of an accidental, unforeseen or unexpected event at our home.

Based on this, if a pipe accidentally, unforeseeably or unexpectedly bursts, it will be covered under your contract.

However, the wear and tear of piping and phenomena such as corrosion is something that occurs over time and, therefore, such wear and tear is not considered to constitute a claim and is not covered by a home insurance policy.

Maximising piping coverage in your home insurance policy

In your home insurance policies, ensuring comprehensive coverage for unforeseen circumstances such as burst piping is essential. How can you guarantee that your policy protects you fully in these situations? Here we present key strategies to optimise your home insurance and ensure that you have an effective response faced with piping problems.

Logically, most piping passes under the floor and within the walls of the house, hence we do not know what state it is in since its usual maintenance is complicated to carry out. Often it is precisely when a water leakage occurs that we are aware that the piping is not in a good state, and it is necessary to replace piping or carry out a full installation.


Essential details of coverage for burst piping

Understanding the specific terms of your coverage in the event of accidental breakages is the first step to maximise the benefits of your policy.

Wear and tear and corrosion

Although wear and tear and corrosion are usually deemed to be problems related with time and are excluded from standard coverage, practical approaches exist to address these limitations.

SegurCaixa Adeslas specific repair and coverage

Although SegurCaixa Adeslas offers coverage for the specific repair of piping in the first incident, it is crucial to understand the details of this coverage.

As for SegurCaixa Adeslas, if it is the first incident or if the bad state of the installation is not known, the piping is repaired on a one-off basis to not leave the home without water (if it is not possible to repair the pipe, compensation will be paid), together with the damage caused in our home or to third parties.

However, if a claim occurs again because of not having made repairs or carried out the necessary maintenance of the pipes, this claim could be rejected.

Hence, we recommend that you periodically check your piping in your home to keep it in good condition and avoid future problems.

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