Home insurance 
Tips to economise on your electricity bill

Consejos para ahorrar en tu factura de la luz

In recent months, we have seen how the price of energy has fluctuated, causing the corresponding impact on your electricity bill. In a changing environment, aside from reviewing the conditions of your energy contract, we suggest you follow these tips to help to reduce your electricity bill:

Invest in high efficiency apparatuses

Electrical appliances of well-known brands that offer high efficiency are usually more expensive, but since most of them are used daily (such as the refrigerator, the ceramic hob, or the washing machine), at the end of the month, the difference in the electricity bill can be noticed.

Furthermore, by investing in a good appliance, we guarantee that food is conserved for longer, and that the heat from the oven or ceramic hob is not wasted and that you do not have to change them often, since they usually last longer and have fewer electrical and mechanical breakdowns. Discover the guarantees offered by SegurCaixa Adeslas for your electrical appliances with your electrical appliances insurance policy.

Changing your old light bulbs and, especially, all halogens for LED lamps can also help to reduce your electricity bill. You do not have to invest much, and the useful life of these bulbs is highly superior to conventional light bulbs. Discover the additional services included in your home insurance policy, such as the maintenance and handyman service.



Exploit the functionality of electrical appliances

Use your electrical appliances to the maximum. Do not put washing machines and dishwashers on half load. Wait until they are full and that way you will have fewer cycles and use less energy. Furthermore, you can save energy by up to half by putting your wash cycles at 40 degrees instead of 60 degrees. Lastly, the dryer is one of the apparatuses that consumes most electricity, hence in the summer avoid their use and hang clothes outside to dry as far as possible.

Take advantage of residual heat. When the pressure cooker or oven has already reached an elevated temperature, when turning it off, the surplus heat will finish cooking the food without the need to continue using energy.

Do not leave apparatuses on stand-by

Despite the fact the apparatuses are on stand-by, they will continue to consume electricity, so leaving them correctly turned off will help to reduce your electricity bill and, furthermore, any breakdowns due to alterations in the grid when we are not home.

Another solution is to use smart circuit boards, which enable devices to be turned off without the need to unplug them. Remember that linking up various multiple connectors and adaptors can increase the risk of short circuits and fire.

Likewise, it is recommendable to unplug chargers when they are not being used. The difference in the electricity bill will not be noticed much, but we will avoid the risk that such appliances overheat (if they have transformers) and cause possible short circuits.


Conduct a thorough insulation of your home

With a sound insulation of walls and windows, we will reduce the progressive appearance of condensation and fungi and prevent extreme cold or heat from entering more easily into the home, activating the thermostat and requiring more energy to heat up and cool the home.

Furthermore, avoid blocking radiators with tables or radiator covers that reduce their efficiency and require higher energy consumption to obtain the desired result.

It can also help to place the thermostat in an adequate place: if the sunlight or an air current affect it directly, the reading will not be correct and climate control will be in vain.


Take advantage of sunlight

Provided that the orientation of your home allows it, choose the most well-lit up rooms to work and live, instead of darker rooms in which it would be necessary to have lights turned on all day.

SegurCaixa Adeslas home insurance policies have additional guarantees that may be extremely useful to always protect your home and have your home in a tip-top condition. Discover these additional services in your policy.

Furthermore, if you wish to make improvements or conduct specific work at your home, you can contact professionals whose visit will be covered by your policy (labour and materials are charged to the insured party).

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