Home insurance 
What to do if my neighbour does not want to repair a leak?

qué hacer cuando tu vecino provoca una gotera

With your home insurance policy, the damage that we or our facilities cause to a third party are covered. However, when it is a third party that causes damage to us, it is more complicated to resolve.


Problems with a neighbour that does not repair a leak

With a neighbour that does not show interest in mending a leak affecting your home, it is crucial to understand how to address this situation.

Your insurance company cannot handle or repair the facilities of a third party, which does not have a contract with the company, and it must be that third party or their own insurance policy itself that repairs the source of the leak, to subsequently be able to repair the water damage caused.

When a third party causes damage: What to do and how to resolve it

Coping with damage caused by third parties may be complicated. Here we offer you practical tips on how to affront this situation and find practical solutions, especially when the insurer cannot intervene directly.

With your SegurCaixa Adeslas home insurance policy, we can help you if the person causing the leakage refuses to carry out the repair, since we provide the Legal Protection guarantee, through which a team of legal professionals will make an amicable claim, and if the neighbour continues to ignore it, they will study the viability of the claim via the legal route.

After repair: Taking care of your home

Once the problem has been solved, it is vital to take care of your home. SegurCaixa Adeslas takes charge of the resulting damage and we are working to ensure that your home recovers its splendour.

Once the cause of the claim has been repaired, and the damp ceases, SegurCaixa Adeslas will deal with the damage to your home, according to the limits and coverage of your policy, applying the aesthetic recomposition guarantee, if necessary. Subsequently, the expenses assumed by the other insurer or the person that has caused the damage will be recovered so as not to have any impact on the cost and claim ratio of your policy.

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Follow these tips to protect your home and know how to act in each case.