Home insurance 
What to do in the event of water leakages at your home

Water leakages can be complicated, since a small leak may cause major damage. Hence, it is essential to act quickly to prevent this damage from spreading.

fuga de agua en el fregadero

If a leak or damp is detected, it is advisable to take the following steps:

1. Identify the origin

If we observe that there is damp or a pool that is getting bigger, it is advisable to close the different stopcocks (cold water, hot water and electrical appliance stopcocks, etc.) to endeavour to contain the water and ensure that the leakage does not extend.

If with the stopcock closed and without using the facilities, water continues to come out, it is highly likely that the origin is not in your home and that it is being caused by a third party, be it the neighbourhood association or the neighbour above you, hence, it will be necessary to notify the person causing the leak to repair it as soon as possible.

Damp may appear after using a particular toilet or apparatus. If you suspect there is a leak, ideally you should stop using the apparatuses or turn off their stopcocks to see if the damp subsides.


2. Take measures to reduce the damage

The longer we take to clean up the excess water, the greater the damage that may be caused. For example, if we collect the spilt water, the damp will not reach the plug sockets or drip down into the flat below.

Therefore, the wet items will dry as soon as possible, thereby reducing the possible appearance of mould. You can open the windows so that the damp disappears and it can even help if you remove furniture, apparatuses and carpets affected by damp.

3. Notify your home insurance

At SegurCaixa Adeslas, we are available 24 hours a day to offer you our emergency services by calling us on 91 489 43 17 (an emergency is deemed to be when the water supply must remain off). In non-urgent cases, you can also notify your claim online

When you notify the claim, you can indicate whether you prefer a professional to be sent that has been recommended by SegurCaixa Adeslas or have the repairs carried out by a trusted professional. In this case, you must send us certain documents to assess the case and to make the refund, such as photos of the claim, a quote or an invoice for the repair work, etc. 

If the leakage is caused by the neighbourhood association or a neighbour, we cannot intervene in third-party facilities or installations. However, through the Legal Protection coverage, we can claim from the person that has caused the damage and, once the origin has been resolved, repair your damage for you then to claim from whomever is responsible.

By keeping your house in a good state, you can avoid possible water leakages and the problems caused by them. SegurCaixa Adeslas Home Insurance, has additional guarantees that may be useful to always have your home in a tip-top condition. Discover the maintenance coverage here.

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