How can I fill an accident report


We may all suffer an accident with our car at a certain moment of our lives. And although it may cause unease and perhaps be complicated to process, it is extremely important to keep calm and know how to fill in the amicable accident report.

Filling in the amicable report will help you to ensure that the claim management procedures and the indemnity or repair of the car are more agile.

If you need an amicable accident declaration, you can download it here

Tips to fill in the amicable accident report.

At the moment of truth, at SegurCaixa Adeslas, we are here to help you, so here you have some recommendations:

Write the details in capital letters. The more details you provide the better.

Do not sign an empty amicable report, nor if you do not agree with what has been filled in

Always keep a copy of the amicable report, whoever is responsible for the accident.

Once it has been filled in and signed, it should not be rectified, nor should information be rubbed out or added.

If possible, take photos of the accident and of the damage to the vehicles.

If, at the time of the accident, due to nerves or because it hinders the traffic, it is not possible to fill in the amicable report, it can be agreed with the other party to fill it in later (always note down the registration number and telephone number).

How to fill in an amicable accident report step by step.

Below, we indicate how you should fill in the form and what information you must provide:


parte de accidente

1 and 2 – Date and place of the accident:

Indicate the date and place of the accident (if it is a road, the name and the km; if it is a crossroad, the two streets and the town).

3 and 4 – Other damage and injuries:

Indicate in these sections whether people have been injured in the accident, even if they have only been slightly injured, and whether damage exists other than to the vehicles.

5 – Witnesses:

Note down their name and telephone number in this section  -  you may need them.

6, 7, 8 and 9 - Details of the insured party and affected vehicle:

In this section, each driver must choose column A or B and provide the largest amount of details possible regarding both vehicles. It is essential to indicate: vehicle brand, model, registration number and insurer.

10, 11, 13 and 14 – Damage, observations and sketch:

Mark the point of the collision and the damage caused in the accident. Do a simple sketch which reflects how the accident occurred, identifying vehicles A and B and the movement of each one with arrows. Add observations that help to understand the way in which the accident occurred. 

12 – Circumstances:

This section is very important, since it sets forth what occurred. In this section, each driver must mark with an X the boxes that explain the manoeuvres that led to the accident. Driver A will mark the boxes of their side and driver B those of their side. If none of the circumstances describes the way in which the accident occurred, do not mark any and write in “Observations” how the accident occurred.

15 – Signatures:

It is important, for the report to be valid, that it is signed by both parties involved. Sign it only if you agree with what has been filled in. 

Notify the claim as soon as possible and keep a copy of the report to have all the details.

How do I send the report?

Through your SegurCaixa Adeslas Customer Area or call:

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